Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Spoken from the heart

Dear luminaries and leaders of IAGD
Once upon a time we enjoyed conformity
We laughed together with great harmony
We prayed in-sync with tranquility.

Dear founders and leaders of IAGD
There was a time you enjoyed great dignity
We looked forward to new possibilities
We embraced each other on festivities.

What just happened that made us estranged
Broken, empty, reclusive, deranged.
As if the lights went out in our hearts,
The rituals remain but the essence departs.

For twelve years serving us with dignity
He bonded as family with the community
You turned to him to pray for our loved ones
Whenever our families faced adversity.

You prayed behind him you cried with him,
In Ramadan or tahajjud when lights were dim.
For interfaith meets he spoke for us.
You counted on him to raise funds for us.

We can't fathom what made you come to it,
Trampling on imam -- once your favorite.
Yes, he was not perfect in every sense
We thought you were humane to forgive offense.

And now we're at each other's throat,
"It's fitna you create", as someone wrote.
If I didn't mention I would be remiss,
Our mothers raised us better than this.

We hate to fight it out against our brothers
We dislike very much to accuse the others.
Without any choice, you left us tattered
We looked up to you, but all that's shattered.

Heartbroken as we are, we long to return
To the life of peace that's all we yearn
Is there any compassion left in your heart
to reinstate the imam despite slipping apart?

Please take a deep breath and you may blink,
Our Prophet could be proud if you just think.
Set aside differences and form great vision
A thriving community with love, no division.

Pleasure is derived by pleasing someone
Your community would be the grateful one
We all have bigger challenges to face
We can't get ahead by dividing our base.

When you would come to the end of your life,
And the death would call your affairs aside,
Would you be able to turn from your life with a smile?
Would you still think it was all worth the while?

Kindly reflect before it's too late
Make bold amends that would dissolve hate
Show your generous side to your community
Surprise them with display of your humanity

Your magnanimity would mean so much to them
They would look at you with new admiration
Trust me you would not lose your face
But you would become heroes in grace

Dear luminaries and leaders of IAGD
You must avail this opportunity
Bring back imam, your brother in faith,
It's not too late, it's not too late.

-Zaki Akmal

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