Sunday, November 10, 2019

A Message of Appreciation and Hope

The past two months have been challenging for our community.

I have witnessed the community members organizing themselves, putting tremendous time and effort towards the reinstatement of the imam movement. Throughout the community has illustrated a high level of talent, civility, creativity, intelligence and team work. To my community there are no words that I can express for how much I appreciate your dedication and the tireless work that you put into this campaign. Your overwhelming support has been a constant motivation for me and my family.

I want to make it clear that I did not choose to leave my position as the Imam of IAGD. For me, it was not merely a job, it was the fulfillment of the trust that Allah swt has entrusted scholars to spread His word and introduce His guidance to people. Although I have received many generous offers in the past years, I preferred to continue to work with my community that I always considered my extended family.

The outcome of this campaign may not appear to be the best, however, we should never forget that our ultimate goal should always be pleasing Allah swt in everything we do in our life. There are unlimited opportunities to serve good causes and stand for justice. We should not cease to use our talent to serve.

I will always be available for you, pray for you and hope to be together in Allah’s paradise.

May Allah swt continue to bless you and your families and may He strengthen our genuine brotherhood.

Imam Aly Lela
November 10, 2019

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